Teaching and Retreats

Wednesday evenings @ Kuan Yin

Weekly group practice

Kuan Yin Meditation Centre, Lismore

7-9pm Wednesdays

Wednesday evenings at Kuan Yin Meditation Centre are a casual and friendly opportunity to explore meditation and connect with sangha (community). Insight/vipassana meditation is based on the historical teachings of the Buddha and is the basis of modern mindfulness. The evening includes a guided practice session, teaching and discussion. All welcome! Suitable for beginners and experienced meditators.

$5 facility fee + dana (contribution for the teachings)

Kuan Yin’s address is not publicly advertised. For directions please call Rosi on 0402682925 or email kuanyinmeditation@gmail.com.

The Way of Natural Awareness

2 Week Residential Retreat

Jhana Grove, WA

28 March - 12 April 2025

Taught by Patrick Kearney & Emma Pittaway

Natural awareness is an open and relaxed approach to meditation as a way of being in the world. Emphasizing continuity of awareness throughout activities as the basis for the cultivation of insight, it dissolves the dichotomy between 'meditation' and 'the rest of our life'. This retreat will explore the possibilities for this practice, held within the traditional Satipatthana framework.

Information and registration

Day of Mindfulness

Kuan Yin Meditation Centre, Lismore

10 May 2025

Days of mindfulness are opportunities to come together for shared silent meditation practice. The schedule is open and relaxed, and people are encouraged to use any of the four postures of meditation: sitting, standing, lying and moving. Meditation instruction is provided and there are opportunities to discuss practice and ask questions. Suitable for beginners and experienced meditators.

$15 facility fee + dana (contribution for the teachings)

Information and registration: emma.wilddharma@gmail.com

Steady Mind, Steady Heart

4-week course

Online or in-person

May 2025

Traditional mindfulness meditation for today’s world

Over 4 evenings we will explore the satipaṭṭhāna vipassanā (4 establishments of mindfulness), to cultivate skill, creativity and independence in meditation and extend practice into everyday life.

ONLINE: 6:30-8:30pm AEDT Mondays May 5-26

@ Kuan Yin: 7-9pm Wednesdays May 7-28

$40 + dana (contribution for the teachings)

Information and registration: emma.wilddharma@gmail.com

Natural Awareness Retreat

Residential Retreat

Northern Rivers (venue TBC)

18 - 23 June 2025

A 5-day retreat provides a pathway to deeper practice for those new to retreat. Suitable for experienced meditators also.

Natural awareness is an open and relaxed approach to meditation as a way of being in the world. Emphasizing continuity of awareness throughout activities as the basis for the cultivation of insight, it dissolves the dichotomy between 'meditation' and 'everyday life'.

Sitting and wandering in nature will be encouraged.

Registration available March 2025

Seeing Clearly

5-week course

Online or in-person

July - August 2025

Cultivating insight through mindfulness practice

This 5-week course will explore the nature of insight (vipassanā) and its role in the path. It is suitable for those familiar with insight meditation and those who have attended the 4 week mindfulness course Steady Mind, Steady Heart.

ONLINE: 6:30-8:30pm AEDT Mondays July 28 - Aug 25

@ Kuan Yin: 7-9pm Wednesdays July 30 - Aug 27

$50 + dana (contribution for the teachings)

Information and registration: emma.wilddharma@gmail.com

Weekend of Mindfulness

Kuan Yin Meditation Centre, Lismore

30 & 31 August 2025 (non-residential)

Taught by Patrick Kearney and Emma Pittaway

Weekends of mindfulness are opportunities to come together for shared silent meditation practice. The schedule is open and relaxed, and people are encouraged to use any of the four postures of meditation: sitting, standing, lying and moving. Meditation instruction is provided and there are opportunities to discuss practice and ask questions. Suitable for beginners and experienced meditators.

Single day: $15 facility fee + dana (contribution for the teachings)

Both days: $25 facility fee + dana (contribution for the teachings)

Information and registration: emma.wilddharma@gmail.com


Dāna is a Pali word that means ‘gift’ or ‘giving’. In the Buddhist tradition, teachers do not charge for their teaching, but offer it freely, as a gift. In exchange, students return the gift by offering a monetary contribution, which enables teachers to continue offering guidance without selling the Dharma (teachings) as a commodity. Participants at teachings and retreats are encouraged to practise generosity by making a monetary contribution to the teacher at the end of the course. Dāna is separate to the administration cost of events.