Natural awareness meditation

Weaving together the ancient teachings of the Buddha with a passion for the natural world, I offer an open, relaxed approach to vipassanā (insight) meditation. I live on Widjabul Wia-bal land in the Northern Rivers, NSW, Australia.

Upcoming events

2 Week Retreat

28 March - 12 April 2025

Jhana Grove, WA

10 May 2025

Kuan Yin Meditation Centre, Lismore

$15 facility fee + dana (contribution for the teachings

4-week mindfulness (satipatthana) course

May 2025: online or in-person

$40 + dana (contribution for the teachings)

What is ‘natural awareness’?

‘Natural awareness’ is an open, relaxed approach to mindfulness meditation that emphasises meditation as a way of being in the world - a way of life. Unlike many meditation techniques, it is not reliant on formal postures, but emphasises continuity of practice throughout our everyday lives. This approach helps us to cultivate independence, flexibility and continuity in the practice. Ultimately, absolutely anything we experience can be an opportunity to develop wholesome mind states and wisdom.

Natural awareness is based on the teachings of Sayadaw U Tejaniya. Sitting within the Theravada (Southeast Asian) tradition of vipassanā (insight) meditation, it aims to cultivate wise understanding and a free heart. The original teachings of the Buddha provide the framework for this approach - in particular the satipaṭṭhāna vipassanā: the cultivation of mindfulness for insight.

Whether you are standing, sitting, lying down, or walking, if you remember that you are aware, then you are meditating, and you are cultivating this wholesome quality of mind.
— Sayadaw U Tejaniya

Meditation is a way of being in the world.